Webinar | What lessons can we learn from the Dutch experience of market reforms in health care?
In January 2006, the Dutch embarked on market reforms of their health care system based upon the principles of regulated competition with more freedom of choice and risk-bearing health insurers with opportunities for free purchasing and liberalization of investments by institutions. This unique path of the Netherlands attracted a lot of interest worldwide, but how have market reforms across Europe shaped accessibility, costs, quality and solidarity? Are markets the answer? What are the challenges and opportunities for market reforms in health systems? What can we learn from the Dutch experience?
Join us to find out! Keynote speaker: Patrick Jeurissen, Radboudumc in Nijmegen, the Netherlands Spotlight speakers: Carlo de Pietro, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland Luigi Siciliani, University of York, UK Moderators: Dimitra Panteli & Erica Richardson (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)